Win three to seven years in good health

Article Gaining three to seven years in good health Personalised care can greatly improve diagnostics and treatments, reducing the burden of disease by 15 to 30%. Dutch citizens can gain three to seven years in good health, which is currently lost to illness or premature death. The Dutch healthcare system is on the move. From one and the same [...]

Smart algorithms should be shared

Article Smart algorithms must be shared Personalised care is important to us, says strategist Jeroen Kemperman of Zilveren Kruis, one of the large health insurers. Everyone with a complex form of cancer can visit the Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital. International [...]

It is necessary to embrace the transformation

Article It is necessary to embrace the transformation Everything that is possible in the field of digital innovation is not yet necessary. There is craziness. Mum's or dad's smartphone that gives a signal when baby's nappy is wet. It exists. The app for a mug that indicates the ideal drinking temperature. Because yes... the [...]

There is only one way forward to personalised care

Article There is only one way forward to personalised care The narrow corridor in the UMC impresses with its nameplates, all professors. His room is functional, study books on the shelf, sober. The average accountant has a similar room. "How do I get the greatest impact for the patient?", Timothy Radstake wonders. He wants [...]

I want to leave something tangible for our children

Article I want to leave something tangible behind for our children "I don't know if I will still be alive in a year's time. But I'd rather have that uncertainty than the certainty that I won't be alive in five years' time." Marc de Hond gave this interview in January 2020. He passed away on 3 June 2020. Presenter and theatre maker [...]

Getting the engine going

Column Judith van Schaik Getting the engine going It seems logical that everyone should get the treatment that suits them best Thanks to recent technological developments (in particular Big Data and AI, artificial intelligence), we can increasingly understand the underlying causes of illness and tailor treatments to the needs of the individual, [...].

Making the burden of trust as little as possible

Article Making the burden of proof as low as possible! Ultimately, the use of data, of medical data, is a matter of trust at the level of the individual. Marc van Lieshout gave this interview in 2019. He passed away on 19 August 2021. But arrangements are not made at the individual level, use of data [...]

Results can already be achieved with small data sets

Article Results can already be achieved with small data sets Analysing patient data is more difficult than you might think. To answer one question you need a combination of registrations. "I've already burned my fingers a hundred thousand times," says Ron Herings. "You don't get anything from half predictions. Prediction algorithms in healthcare also have a lot of [...]

Future-proofing healthcare together

Article Making healthcare future-proof together We are sitting in the living room of three-time Paralympic snowboard champion Bibian Mentel in Loosdrecht and talk about the importance of personalised healthcare in the Netherlands. This conversation took place in 2019. Bibian Mentel passed away on 29 March 2021. Together with Judith van Schaik, PHC Business Development Lead Roche Netherlands, and [...]

Elephant in the china cabinet

Column Paul Iske The elephant must be in the china cabinet Do you know the story of the elephant that is touched by six blindfolded people? The question is: what is this? Answers come, ranging from 'a tree' (the one who feels the paw), 'a wall', 'a snake', etc. No one has any idea what they are dealing with [...].