The PHC Catalyst Alliance has been exploring the potential of early access (EA) to medicines in improving access to personalised care.
For patients who have exhausted the available registered medicines or have a condition for which no registered medicines exist (yet), early access can offer a solution. Early access is an arrangement whereby a patient can be treated with an unregistered (personalised) medicine if there are no proven effective drugs and it is impossible to treat the patient in an investigational setting.
The PHC Catalyst has prepared a position paper on this issue. This report examines the opportunities that early access offers to improve access to personalised medicines and is summarised in the question: How can early access contribute to improving timely and sustainable access to value- and data-driven personalised medicines?
On 24 November, the PHC Catalyst organised a round table session in response to the position paper. All perspectives were present (patient organisations, doctors, health insurer, scientists, industry), except for one crucial perspective: that of the government.
The Care Institute, the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport and the Medicines Evaluation Board, among others, took note of the position paper, but due to the current coronahectic, were unable to free up time to attend the session.
How can early access contribute to improving timely and sustainable access to value driven and data driven personalised medicine?
For more information about this initiative, please contact us. This can be done via our general address or directly with Bas Ruyssenaars, the project leader of this initiative.